Friday, July 31, 2009

erugh. it's so early.

I feel like my face is about to fall off. God, I am such an over-exfoliator. New favorite product:The guy said once a week, but I'm pretty sure that's his native language for twice a day. Right? Right. $89 a bottle, but sooo totally worth it. My face was ridiculously soft and smooth after my first use.
Finishing up Week 1 of babysitting. My aunt was nice enough to offer me a job watching her 8 year old when she found out I had been fired. Speaking of which, I need to call about my final paycheck (which I better fucking get or else).
While cleaning my room, I found my Starcraft CDs. Oh how I have missed you. I WONDER WHAT KAITLYN IS GOING TO BE DOING FOR THE NEXT MONTH. HMM.
The icky dry skin on my pinky and ring finger is getting worse even thought I haven't touched bleach in a week. I'm not good at not peeling skin. :/

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