Monday, August 24, 2009

Update from the Wii #2

Today was an interesting day. Last Chaos ended up taking a little over 11 hours to download, install, and update. At first, the game didn't work and I was all upset. And then it did. Now, for the record, I have played a lot of shitty MMORPGs in my time. I don't judge a game on graphics most of the time. I downloaded Last Chaos because it was pretty and the reviews seemed decent. The game fucking sucked. Graphics were great, but that's about it. The controls were difficult to get used to and there were little to no guides. You start off in a dungeon fighting zombie corpses before you can walk two steps. Two big ol' disappointed thumbs down. I think I would have been less upset if the game hadn't worked than I am that it did and blew. Oh well. Lesson learned.

At the moment there is a kitten standing on her hind legs staring at me from across the room. She's been doing this lately for extended periods of time and it is totally creepy. Wendy is a creeper. AND OLIVER IS ANNOYING. He is now sitting on the stool I propped my cords on. Grr. If my keyboard cuts out someone is totally getting hit with a pillow.

Bree came over and woke me up around 7 PM today. We rode to Union Lake and played with a duck on the dock. When we got home, we ambushed my little sister and told her how horrible high school is going to be for her. I feel bad, but Bree did all the talking so I am totally innocent.
I need a cute boy in my life. I'm tired of looking at all the uglies around here. Maybe I'll find someone who doesn't make me hurl when classes start.
I am sleepy and Oliver is effectively blocking 25% of the screen so I am giving up.
Maybe a well-thought blog will randomly appear tomorrow night. Who knows? I need to vent.

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