Friday, July 31, 2009

erugh. it's so early.

I feel like my face is about to fall off. God, I am such an over-exfoliator. New favorite product:The guy said once a week, but I'm pretty sure that's his native language for twice a day. Right? Right. $89 a bottle, but sooo totally worth it. My face was ridiculously soft and smooth after my first use.
Finishing up Week 1 of babysitting. My aunt was nice enough to offer me a job watching her 8 year old when she found out I had been fired. Speaking of which, I need to call about my final paycheck (which I better fucking get or else).
While cleaning my room, I found my Starcraft CDs. Oh how I have missed you. I WONDER WHAT KAITLYN IS GOING TO BE DOING FOR THE NEXT MONTH. HMM.
The icky dry skin on my pinky and ring finger is getting worse even thought I haven't touched bleach in a week. I'm not good at not peeling skin. :/

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Officially terrible at updating this.

Trying to remember it from now on. Sorry Mellybelly! Let's see if I can sum up the past months in one blog post.
  • I went to Warped Tour this year with Bree. Can't say too much about it because TURNS OUT I DON'T REMEMBER SHIT FROM FIVE MINUTES AGO. Since February, we've become really close friends. She's there for me now more than anyone.
  • I got fired from my shitty job. I collapsed in pain one night and had to have Ross come and get me. Thinking a benign cyst had just burst, I went home. Jade (my manager) wanted me to call and ambulance, but lack of insurance kept me from letting her. To shut her up, Ross just said he'd take me. Next day? Got fired through a TEXT. Bad ass.
  • Bree and I spent close to 6 hours cleaning my room. It looks like I just moved in. Throwing useless junk away makes me feel good. Maybe I'll do this cleaning thing more often. I think we used something like eleven trash bags.
  • Greg's been MIA for two months now. He said he'd let me know how things turned out after his hearing, but I haven't gotten anything. Taking the lack of contact as not good. :/
I've been thinking abut Greg so much lately. I wish he'd hurry up and get his sentence over with. I cried over him for the first time in months last night. It sucks being away from people you care about. I know that he'll be a totally different person when he gets out, but I'm willing to wait and see. He will always be the most important person to me and I will never forget how he changed me.
I got rid of almost everything any exboyfriend has given me. I kept a stuffed dog in a butterfly sweater that Isaiah gave me, though. Not sure why I couldn't get rid of it. Maybe because he's the only ex I could ever consider being friends with?
Man, being fired sucks.

See you three months from now! :D