Monday, August 24, 2009

Update from the Wii #2

Today was an interesting day. Last Chaos ended up taking a little over 11 hours to download, install, and update. At first, the game didn't work and I was all upset. And then it did. Now, for the record, I have played a lot of shitty MMORPGs in my time. I don't judge a game on graphics most of the time. I downloaded Last Chaos because it was pretty and the reviews seemed decent. The game fucking sucked. Graphics were great, but that's about it. The controls were difficult to get used to and there were little to no guides. You start off in a dungeon fighting zombie corpses before you can walk two steps. Two big ol' disappointed thumbs down. I think I would have been less upset if the game hadn't worked than I am that it did and blew. Oh well. Lesson learned.

At the moment there is a kitten standing on her hind legs staring at me from across the room. She's been doing this lately for extended periods of time and it is totally creepy. Wendy is a creeper. AND OLIVER IS ANNOYING. He is now sitting on the stool I propped my cords on. Grr. If my keyboard cuts out someone is totally getting hit with a pillow.

Bree came over and woke me up around 7 PM today. We rode to Union Lake and played with a duck on the dock. When we got home, we ambushed my little sister and told her how horrible high school is going to be for her. I feel bad, but Bree did all the talking so I am totally innocent.
I need a cute boy in my life. I'm tired of looking at all the uglies around here. Maybe I'll find someone who doesn't make me hurl when classes start.
I am sleepy and Oliver is effectively blocking 25% of the screen so I am giving up.
Maybe a well-thought blog will randomly appear tomorrow night. Who knows? I need to vent.

Update from the Wii #1

Bought the internet channel for my Wii a few hours ago and I'm alreay bored. Poo. Guess I'll just have to update this silly ol' thang. I've been neglecting this again lately, and I know that 95% of my posts are me complaining about how much I suck at updating this, but I'll do better! I promise! I'm going through an exciting phase in my life and I want to have some record of how totally, pissin-in-my-pants scared I am.
Classes start in less than two weeks and I am so fucking scared it is unbelievable. I have absolutely no reason to be afraid. I've done this many times before. I've had nightmares about it for the past week, though. Most of them involve my sister getting hurt and me not being able to do anything. Am I finally ready to be a big sister? :O Oh noooes maybe I am am growing up probably not oh well.
I bought a totally cute handmade messenger bag from Etsy today. It's green and black and cute and one-of-a-kind. For 2 day shipping from Istanbul to NJ, it was like $10. Totally cheaper than I thought it'd be.
In other news, Steve the cat has figured out how to sleep with his eyes open. TOTALLY FUCKING CREEPING ME OUT. Curtains being open at night and the light being off in the bathroom are also things we can add to that list.
I started fiddling with Ps and Ai again, seeing as I'll be using them on a daily basis when classes start. It only took m half an hour to remember how to paste and image. Woo. I'm back to my normal level again, though, so no worries. Made a vintagey Coppertone ad and put it up on my deviantART. 1 view and no comments. This is a low blow to the ego.
Oliver the cat peed on the carpet earlier. I nudged him with my foot to try and stop him. He just peed in the spot I nudged him to. Now I have two pee stains instead of one. Great.
Meh. Running out of things to say. Downloading a game called Last Chaos. Hoping it doesn't completely ruin my computer like Archlord did. I miss that game. ):

Friday, July 31, 2009

erugh. it's so early.

I feel like my face is about to fall off. God, I am such an over-exfoliator. New favorite product:The guy said once a week, but I'm pretty sure that's his native language for twice a day. Right? Right. $89 a bottle, but sooo totally worth it. My face was ridiculously soft and smooth after my first use.
Finishing up Week 1 of babysitting. My aunt was nice enough to offer me a job watching her 8 year old when she found out I had been fired. Speaking of which, I need to call about my final paycheck (which I better fucking get or else).
While cleaning my room, I found my Starcraft CDs. Oh how I have missed you. I WONDER WHAT KAITLYN IS GOING TO BE DOING FOR THE NEXT MONTH. HMM.
The icky dry skin on my pinky and ring finger is getting worse even thought I haven't touched bleach in a week. I'm not good at not peeling skin. :/

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Officially terrible at updating this.

Trying to remember it from now on. Sorry Mellybelly! Let's see if I can sum up the past months in one blog post.
  • I went to Warped Tour this year with Bree. Can't say too much about it because TURNS OUT I DON'T REMEMBER SHIT FROM FIVE MINUTES AGO. Since February, we've become really close friends. She's there for me now more than anyone.
  • I got fired from my shitty job. I collapsed in pain one night and had to have Ross come and get me. Thinking a benign cyst had just burst, I went home. Jade (my manager) wanted me to call and ambulance, but lack of insurance kept me from letting her. To shut her up, Ross just said he'd take me. Next day? Got fired through a TEXT. Bad ass.
  • Bree and I spent close to 6 hours cleaning my room. It looks like I just moved in. Throwing useless junk away makes me feel good. Maybe I'll do this cleaning thing more often. I think we used something like eleven trash bags.
  • Greg's been MIA for two months now. He said he'd let me know how things turned out after his hearing, but I haven't gotten anything. Taking the lack of contact as not good. :/
I've been thinking abut Greg so much lately. I wish he'd hurry up and get his sentence over with. I cried over him for the first time in months last night. It sucks being away from people you care about. I know that he'll be a totally different person when he gets out, but I'm willing to wait and see. He will always be the most important person to me and I will never forget how he changed me.
I got rid of almost everything any exboyfriend has given me. I kept a stuffed dog in a butterfly sweater that Isaiah gave me, though. Not sure why I couldn't get rid of it. Maybe because he's the only ex I could ever consider being friends with?
Man, being fired sucks.

See you three months from now! :D

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is MellyBelly

Kaiticakes buhh hasnt posted in a long time, so hurr you go.
so does my cyclops friend .)


I feel like I owe an explanation.

He's gone. For real this time. No turning around, no joking little smirks. Just a cold, barely audible sigh of disgust. I shouldn't have played the games I played, but I had no choice. I couldn't imagine living without him, but the thought of doing anything other than living my life now was even scarier. I had no idea he would react the way he did. And he had no idea it would hurt me the way it did. He can't live with me, and I simply can't live without him.
There is no drive anymore. It took all the strength in me to shake myself and rise out of bed to get a drink of water. I just want things to be the way they were before I met him, but that life is never coming back.