Thursday, April 9, 2009


I revoke my comment about Mellybelly and Maxwell Moore. (: End of story.

I worked a lot yesterday. I'm so tired. Not looking to this weekend. I work EVERY fucking day, 13 hours a day. Atleast I'll have Pete there to annoy. Oh wellz.I got Nino to walk up to Robert last night. I ran into him in the back room and was like "Hey Nino! Do me a favor?" and he was like "Yes babylove?" "Tell Robert he's a pain in my ass." So Nino walked up front and I followed him and Nino grabbed Robert by the shoulders and was like "YOU ARE... A PAIN... IN MY ASS..." I love working with old Italian men. (:

I'm sleepy and me and Mellybelly hate kisses on the mouth from anyone over the age of like 25. For now.

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