Monday, April 27, 2009

It's been forever.

I've been neglecting this blog. I've been neglecting the internet, period. I'm never home anymore. I'm always either working, at Pete and Mary's, or asleep.
This weekend was unbearabley hot. I went swimming with a german shepherd who has been known to bite the hell out of my arm. I love wake-and-bakes with Pete's mom at the kitchen table. I'm a bad, bad girl who does illegal things.
In other news, my boss was in a car accident and cracked her neck. Everyone was super bummed at work Friday, but I stayed happy and bright to try and cheer everyone up. It worked. (:

Mellybelly just burped behind me. Yucky! I still love her though. I missed her! I didn't get to see her Friday. She's wearing a hot-dog-eating contest shirt. I bet she won.


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