Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I miss you.

I miss the way we used to lie in bed, gazing out our open windows at the stars. I miss the way we'd wait for silence to whisper our thoughts and feelings to our tightly clutched pillows. I miss the way those nights would last until the end of time and I'd lie next to you, knowing that forever was quickly coming to its end. I miss how tight you'd hold on, waiting for that first sliver of light to creep across the horizon and rest upon your heavy eyelids.
But I know that no matter how bad it's missed, it will never come back. I spent days upon days finding a way to break free, just to find myself craving the soft graze of your fingers up my arm and along my collar.
This is what my life has come to. I am a desperate shell of a woman, desperately clinging to past memories of wasted nights.

I will find you one day.
I will be with you until I need you no more.

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