Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm sitting next to M3lanie!

M3lanie! just so happens to be my password to my laptop. :P I love this girl to death. She's so retarded, but that only makes me lover her more.
Everytime I get a big Wawa Iced Tea (raspberry, duh) I cover it in inside jokes. I've only known this girl since August or September, but it feels like forever.
Anyway, moving on. MIKE SAID I'M THE STUNT DOUBLE FOR THE BOULDER IN INDIANA JONES. He wants me to shoot the fade. Shit's going doooown.
I almost died the other day. I pulled out in front of some guy who was going around 60 mph and my car stalled. Shit is rough.
This blog post is retarded and isn't going to go anywhere. I've come to the conclusion that my life is boring and now one would be interested in reading this.

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