Monday, March 9, 2009

New blog. :3

New blogs always remind me of brand new notebooks. I love brand new notebooks. I love them a lot.

I've recently come to the conclusion that I have the most amazing group of friends in the world. It's probably because we rode around in the back of some guys huge truck last night and got filthy and then went to Taco Bell. I really like how comfortable I am around Jess and Shauna. They totally could have mocked me more when the packet of sauce exploded in my face, but they didn't. Yay.

I have plans with Kimberly tonight. We're probably going to spend the night drinking in the bowling alley parking lot (our usual) and filling out some more job applications. Our current employer is an entertaining alcoholic, but we work with a bunch of perverted fucks.

Mellybelly, just so you don't feel left out if you happen to stumble across this, I love you. :3 BFF 4 EVA d00d.

Oh! Something new to add to the list of obsessions! Currently it's comprised of Heath Ledger as the Joker, Union Lake, driving on the wrong side of the road with my lights out, Call of Duty and Starcraft, Civilization 3, Facebook, and bubble baths. Can anyone guess what it is? That's right! The Hush Sound! Godddd they're amazing. They make my heart melt.

This blog post is getting awfully long (by my standards) so I suppose I'll end it here and post something insignificant later that will make my mother roll her eyes.

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