Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's a beautiful day.

I plan on wasting it watching home makeover shows on HGTV and cuddling with Steve. How come all the cute designer d00ds are gay? Not fair. I mean, look at this guys abs!* Sheesh. You can invade my home any day. ;)
I miss having long catwoman nails. I haven't had fake nails since November. They turned my real nails to thin & brittle pieces of shit, but things were soooo good while they lasted. I could unlock things super easy! Now I need to get a butter knife or something to unlock the bathroom door when my sister hides from me.
This weekend is like packed for me. I'm going to Mellybelly's party on saturday and then I think I'm going with Brianna to this antique show on Sunday. I've got a billion loads of laundry to do, too. Why can't I ever have a day off? I think I deserve a day to just chill in the bathtub with a glass of wine and a corny romance novel.
I may or may not be going shopping later. I'm trying to hang out with Brianna, but eye dee kay yet. I miss hanging out with her every day and playing in the snow with her dog. Kizzy is my favorite puppy ever.
Gumby Bangin Horses is my favorite video ever. EVER. Well, almost. It's hilarious. I quote it like 90 times a day.h

* I'm pretty sure David Bromstad is the sexiest man alive.**

** Heath Ledger, if he were still alive, would fill that spot.

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