Monday, March 9, 2009

Wow. Pissed.

So, I have absolutely no idea what's going on but apparently my cell phone is getting shut off for like no reason and I have no idea what's going on and this is a huge run on sentence and I don't care and I'm just pissed pissed pissed and THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I fucking hate this unemployed shit. I miss having a job and monies.
I applied at Arby's today because they're in like desperate need of people and I just so happen to be in desperate need of a job. I also ate a delicious danish and spilled a soda in my lap! Yay!
This is such bullshit. I love my phone to DEATH. It's PERFECT. I know like everyone has the EnV2, but I don't care because they aren't me and don't have mine. Mine is so much better than everyone else's because it. Belongs. To. Me. It's mine! I love that shit so much.
Other than my whole world crashing down because the possible loss of my cellular device, tonight was okay. Hung out with Kim and found a KVZ purse for only $40 that I'm in looooove with. Bought a few scarves, a shirt, and some Starbucks. Hung out with Shauna and Kim and rode around and then picked up Jess. Jess had to go because the cops were looking for her and I have no idea what happened with that. All I know is I didn't get drunk and I'm pisssssed dawg.
I'm going to bed. I have to figure this shit out. Fuck my life.

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